
“Educators respond to a compelling fact, the digitalized student, but take it as a reality to be accommodated. In discussions of how to do so, they acknowledge the downsides of ‘screenager’ habits–sexting, cyberbullying, gaming addiction, general frivolity–but they address them as a matter of making wise choices, not as a problem with the technologies and new literacies themselves. … [T]he young man with a book … isn’t held up as the antidote to bad Web behavior. This is a mistake, for the youth with a book and no other tool or medium close by, uni-tasking for 90 minutes without interruption, is an exemplary role model.”

Bauerlein, M. (2015). The resistance to 21st-century reading. In R. Spiro, M. DeSchryver, M. Hagerman, P. Morsink, & P. Thompson (Eds.), Reading at a crossroads? Disjunctures and continuities in current conceptions and practices (pp. 26-34). New York: Routledge.

Also see:

essential digital literacies
habits of mind