Van den Broek and Kendeou

“Many aspects of the encountered information [on the web] need to be monitored and the effort of pursuing one’s standards of coherence simply may become too much. Yet because of the diversity of input, the need to maintain one’s standards of coherence is even stronger than in the reading of a single text. Without such standards the processing may become haphazard and result in a more associative than coherent representation of the encountered information.”

Van den Broek, P., & Kendeou, P. (2015). Building coherence in web-based and other non-traditional reading environments: Cognitive opportunities and challenges. In R. Spiro, M. DeSchryver, M. Hagerman, P. Morsink, & P. Thompson (Eds.), Reading at a crossroads? Disjunctures and continuities in current conceptions and practices (pp. 275-290). New York: Routledge.

Also see:
metacognitive demands