Duke, Zhang, and Morsink

“… whether or not we are experiencing, or should experience, a Kuhnian paradigm shift in the reading field’s understanding of comprehension, there is no question that we are not experiencing, but should experience, a paradigm shift in comprehension instruction. We have not been preparing students for some important demands of traditional text comprehension, and with Web-based texts the demands are multiplied and far more acute.”

Duke, N. K., Zhang, S., & Morsink, P. M. (2015). Neglected areas of instruction: Bad for print, worse for the internet. In R. Spiro, M. DeSchryver, M. Hagerman, P. Morsink, & P. Thompson (Eds.), Reading at a crossroads? Disjunctures and continuities in current conceptions and practices (pp. 249-274). New York: Routledge.

Also see:
paradigm shift
teleological divide